Instantly Test for: Marijuana (THC), Cocaine (COC), Oxycodone (OXY), Opiate (OPI), Amphetamines (AMP), Methadone (MTD), Benzodiazepines (BZO), Ecstasy (MDMA), Barbiturates (BAR), Methamphetamine (MET), Buprenorphine (BUP), Phencyclidine (PCP) This low cost high quality device will work well and do the job, as they have for many of our satisfied customers.
Our drug test kits are FDA 510K Cleared and OTC (Over The Counter) use at home and also CLIA Waived for medical professional use. We use strict SAMHSA approved guidelines to test for commonly abused substances with lab like accuracy, up to 99%. The method employees a unique mixture of antibodies to selectively identify the drug of abuse and their metabolites in test samples with a high degree of sensitivity.
Ideal for: Home drug testing/Work place testing /School/college/university drug testing/Criminal justice/Law enforcement drug testing/Substance abuse rehabilitation centers. Same science used as Lab screen test.
- FDA Approved
- OTC Approved
- Clia Waived
- Clicking mechanism in lid for added security
- 99% Accuracy, USA Made Reagents
- Instant Results, Negatives within 1 minute & Positives in 5 minutes
- Cup Includes Celsius/Fahrenheit temp strip
- Lock lid, no leakage
- Design is sturdy, durable, plastic to maintain sample volumes for lab receiving
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