Drug Abbreviations

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Drug Abbreviations - Drug Test

Drug testing kits often use an abbreviated drug name rather than listing it in full. This is because space on product packaging and labeling is limited, and listing the full name of ten or more drugs can take up quite a lot of room.

Here is a list of the common drug abbreviations used in the drug testing industry:

Abbreviation Drug Name
AMP Amphetamine
BAR Barbiturates
BUP Buprenorphine
BZO Benzodiazepines
COC Cocaine
COT Cotinine
EDDP EDDP (2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine)
FTY Fentanyl
KET Ketamine
MTD Methadone
MET/MAMP Methamphetamine
MOP Morphine
OPI Opiates
OXY Oxycodone
PCP Phencyclidine
PPX Propoxyphene
TCA Tricyclic Antidepressants
THC Cannabis
TRA Tramadol

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